All tagged South Gloucestershire
Did you know the care of 1 in 5 patients at St Peter’s Hospice is provided by donations through Gifts in Wills? Did you know you can leave even 1% of your estate to charity in your Will? Did you know St Peter’s offers a free Will-writing service to supporters all year round?
Westerleigh Group’s crematoria are inviting families to visit them around Mother’s Day to take time to remember and reflect on beloved relatives they have lost.
by Helen Lock, Clarke Willmott
Hotel staff from Bristol used their brain power to help raise nearly £1,000 for the Brain Tumour Support charity which is based in Thornbury.
The latest financial services analysis from EY, shows that mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity increased considerably in 2024, and the levels are set to rise further in 2025, according to corporate lawyer Ed Foulkes.
A Bristol charity for people experiencing hunger and homelessness was the real winner of a fund-raising raffle for staff of a cremation company which has its national headquarters in the city.
Over 100 new trees are to be planted this winter at Bristol Memorial Woodlands, near Thornbury.
A Thornbury family is on a heartfelt mission to take part in next year’s Paris Marathon in memory of a late loved one, raising funds for the hospice who cared for him in his final weeks.
West Country coach tour operator Bakers Dolphin has invested £1 million in two new luxury gold coaches, enabling them to offer hundreds of extra holidays in 2026.
The popular Christmas tree collection service run by local charity St Peter’s Hospice will return for another year this festive season.
Westerleigh Group’s crematoria in the South West are opening their doors to their surrounding communities as they host their annual Christmas Carol and Memorial Services.
The South West offices of national law firm Clarke Willmott LLP have once again ranked highly in this year’s Legal 500 guide, with numerous practice areas and individual lawyers being recognised.
A campaign has been launched to help people in the greater Bristol area feel more comfortable about having conversations around death and dying.
A local care home provider has hosted a workshop designed to help staff navigate the emotional challenges of grief and bereavement.
Fertility nurse consultant, Paula Bot, a recent addition to the specialist fertility team at Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine (BCRM), has quoted the opportunity to train the next generation of fertility nurses as one of the highlights of her new role.
Westerleigh Group has taken a significant step towards safeguarding its living memorial and tree collection by using industry-leading software.
The Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine (BCRM) has expanded its team with the addition of Dr Hadeel Alkharouf as its latest Clinical Fellow in reproductive medicine.
A brand-new play area was given the seal of approval by Chippenham town Mayor when he declared it officially open at Rowden Brook, Rowden Park Garden Village.
Westerleigh Cemetery & Crematorium has donated £1,000 to Diabetes Research UK in support of a local family’s own fundraising efforts after their son died from the disease.
The introduction of staff charity days at a Chipping Sodbury-based independent housebuilder has proven beneficial to a local school and even reached families in Uganda.