Festive celebrations at Chestnut Lodge
A host of Christmas traditions, plus a few surprises, “went down a treat” as part of a special service arranged for residents of Yeovil’s newest care home.
Activities co-ordinator Jacqui Cuff and her team chatted with the residents of Chestnut Lodge to find out what their favourite festive customs were and included as many of these in the event as possible, as well as a few surprise novelties.
One of these was the opening of the service by Yeovil’s town crier, David Recardo, at the head of a procession of staff carrying Christingle oranges, while the congregation of residents and relatives sang Hark The Herald Angels Sing.

Manager Graham Oakes then welcomed special guest, Yeovil’s Mayor Andy Kendall, before handing over to the Reverend Dan Crouch of Holy Trinity Church, a regular visitor and well-known face at Chestnut Lodge.
Reverend Dan told the congregation about the background to the Christingle tradition, first introduced in 1747 in Germany and subsequently adopted all over the world. It is now a major fundraiser in the UK for the Children’s Society and the charity estimates that around one million people now attend a Christingle service in the UK each year.
Further carols followed, including Good King Wenceslas and Away In A Manger - both chosen by residents - as well as prayers and the poem The Meaning of Christmas by John R Read.
Reverend Dan finished the service with a Christmas blessing, then guests and congregation alike enjoyed a chat over mulled wine and minced pies.
Jacqui Cuff said: “It was a lovely afternoon that put us all in the mood for the continuing festivities, and we’re hoping to make the Christingle service a regular event on the Chestnut Lodge calendar.
“Huge thanks to all our wonderful residents and staff for their involvement, as well as special guests Andy Kendall and David Recardo, and of course to Reverend Dan Crouch for his regular visits and for leading the service.”
Chestnut Lodge is a purpose-built care facility, which has recently been fully refurbished to a very high standard and can now accommodate 38 residents in single rooms, each with a personal wet room.
The CQC-registered home also provides respite care tailored to meet carers’ needs, with stays from 1-30 nights available.
Families wishing to enquire about a place should call Graham Oakes on 01935 513555 or email graham.oakes@camelotcare.co.uk