Residents engage in rural reminiscences
Residents at Yeovil’s newest care home have been transported back through the years with a visit from Jan Millward of Rural Reminiscences.
The group at Chestnut Lodge who are all living with dementia, reacted with delight as they recognised items from their youth such as loo rolls made from scratchy paper, and the familiar perfumes of soaps they used as children.
Jacqui Cuff, the home’s activities co-ordinator, said: “The items Jan brought with her and the things she talked about with our residents transported them right back to their younger days.
“Their faces just lit up as a variety of bed warmers, a Bakelite telephone with a dial and a beautifully embroidered sweetheart handkerchief made from parachute silk were passed around for them to look at.
“As is often the case with dementia, they instantly recognised items they used daily when they were young, and many were very keen to share their memories.
“Jan also read them some of the brilliant humorous poems she writes about life in years gone by, and they identified with a lot of what she mentioned and found them very entertaining.
“Dementia can make a person’s world quite confusing, so it was great to clearly see how thrilled they were when presented with things that triggered a familiar reaction.”

Jan Millward has been taking her memorabilia around residential homes in Somerset and Dorset since she retired from professional work in the care sector in 2016.
“The team and residents at Chestnut Lodge made me so welcome and everybody was really enthusiastic about the session,” said Jan.
“The staff were awesome and loved dressing up in the pinnies and mop caps I brought with me, which greatly amused the residents.
“It’s important to try and engage all their senses. Our sense of smell is particularly powerful in taking us back to a particular time and place, so items like soap and perfume are great.”
The Rural Reminiscences visit is part of a full and varied programme of activities provided at the home.
Chestnut Lodge is a purpose-built care facility, run by award-winning care providers Camelot Care, which has recently been fully refurbished to a very high standard and can now accommodate 38 residents in single rooms, each with a personal wet room.
The CQC-registered home also provides respite care tailored to meet carers’ needs, with stays from 1-30 nights available.
Families wishing to enquire about a place should call Graham Oakes on 01935 513555 or email