Visitors to Cornwall urged to stay safe and stick to the rules this half-term

Visitors to Cornwall urged to stay safe and stick to the rules this half-term

Visitors to Cornwall are being asked to stay safe and follow the rules this half-term – especially if they develop symptoms while on holiday.

The October break is usually a busy time for the county’s tourism hotspots, which creates a perfect opportunity for coronavirus to spread, and so Cornwall Council’s Public Health team is asking holidaymakers to be especially mindful of guidance around social distancing, mask-wearing and handwashing.

People are also being reminded of the rules around self-isolation, whether they are on holiday or not.

Anyone on holiday who develops a new cough, high temperature or change to their sense of smell and taste should self-isolate immediately, inform their accommodation provider and book a test. Those with symptoms awaiting a test or test results should also self-isolate.

Cllr Sally Hawken, Cornwall Council’s Portfolio Holder for Children, Wellbeing and Public Health, said: “Just because you’re on holiday doesn’t mean you can ignore the rules. Coronavirus doesn’t take a break so neither can we. 

“We want visitors to our beautiful county to enjoy themselves but we’re also asking them to help us stop the spread of the virus by sticking to the public health guidance and self-isolating as soon as they experience symptoms. 

“Under the new national three-tier system, we are also asking people to ensure they follow the travel guidance for their local areas.”

Rachel Wigglesworth, Director of Public Health for Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, said: “We’ve been fortunate so far as we’ve seen relatively few COVID-19 cases in Cornwall compared to other areas of the country but we can’t afford to be complacent. 

“It is crucial that everyone plays their part in sticking to the rules and guidance so we can keep infection rates down and stay on top of the virus here in Cornwall.

“The safety and wellbeing of our residents and visitors will always be Cornwall Council’s priority and we will continue to ensure people can enjoy the county in a safe manner.”

For a reminder of all the latest rules and guidance visit the government’s website here

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