Study day on reproductive medicine for  local GPs

Study day on reproductive medicine for local GPs

Over 40 local GPs seized the opportunity to attend a recent study day organised by Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine (BCRM) with leading experts in the field offering essential updates on developments women’s health including fertility medicine and procedures.

The event, which took place on 29 January at BCRM’s state-of-the-art clinic at Aztec West in Bristol, was filled to capacity.

Dr Amanda Jefferys

Dr Amanda Jefferys, BCRM’s medical director, said: “The demand for places reflects a heartening commitment on the part of our GP colleagues to improving patient care in this important area, and the day gave participants an important opportunity to enhance their knowledge and expertise in this vital area of healthcare.

“The day’s programme included sessions on pelvic pain and endometriosis, recurrent miscarriage, contraception, menopause, polycystic ovarian syndrome, male subfertility, and fertility assessment and assisted conception treatment.

“Our aim was to provide GPs with the latest information and best practice guidelines via presentations delivered by consultants who are leading experts in their fields.

“Topics addressing issues such as fertility referral pathways provided clarification on how and when to refer or offer treatment to patients.

“And the interactive format of the sessions encouraged meaningful discussions and welcome opportunities for questions.

“Attendees also had the chance to meet representatives from major medicine and equipment providers who specialise in women’s health, which is so important for bridging the gap between clinical practice and the latest advancements in medical technology and treatment options.”

A survey of attendees indicated a positive response to the event with most participants rating the experience highly.

Amanda Jefferys said: “It’s essential that GPs should feel equipped to address the sometimes very complex issues around reproductive health, and patients’ needs are evolving all the time.

“We plan to continue providing a study day for GPs every year, highlighting the changes which have occurred over the previous 12 months, because it is so crucial for their continuing professional development.”

BCRM is the longest established fertility clinic in Bristol, helping people from throughout the South West and Wales with fertility treatment for both private and NHS patients.

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