Coronation weekend at Butterfly Lodge

Coronation weekend at Butterfly Lodge

At specialist dementia care home Butterfly Lodge in Plymouth staff pulled out all the stops to give residents a royally great Coronation weekend. 

Deputy manager, Sarah McCaffrey said: "The weather was no problem because our 'street party' took place indoors.

"Lots of family and friends came along too, and we had live music, dancing, themed party games and a buffet fit for a king.

"Huge thanks to my colleagues and friends of Butterfly Lodge who made sure this was an event everyone could enjoy."
Photos show: Maureen Reid; Sheila Rowe; clinical lead Ivorine Ramkishun dancing with Carole Rowley; healthcare assistant Carrie Ann Dalton and Joanne Bryant; Mollie Coyne and Ray Rowe.

Butterfly Lodge is run by award-winning dementia care providers Camelot Care who also have homes in Wellington, Bridgwater and Yeovil in Somerset

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