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What symptoms merit referral to a fertility expert?

A study day for practitioners and trainees in the fertility sector is being held at Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine (BCRM) with up-to-the-minute information about which key indicators merit referral to a fertility consultant, and latest insights into specialist aspects of reproductive medicine.

The event is open to GPs, specialist trainees and nurse practitioners and will be held at BCRM’s new Aztec West clinic on Wednesday 9 November.

BCRM’s Amanda Jefferys who is a consultant gynaecologist and subspecialist in reproductive medicine will be chairing the event.

Amanda Jefferys said: “The emphasis will be on the role of the GP and we’re aiming to help them feel better informed about problems fertility specialists can help with, and when selective referral is justified.

“We’ll be discussing advances and clarification of practice in the diagnosis and management of a variety of reproductive disorders, with some of the best qualified speakers in the country talking about their specialist areas.

“Recurrent miscarriage will be addressed by Haj Kamali, followed by Oli O’Donovan on pelvic pain - including conditions such as endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome, both very topical subjects.

“We’ll also be having updates on contraception from Frederica Von Hawrylak and on the menopause from Tracey-Louise Appleyard, as well as a session on ‘Fertility from a GP’s eye view’ by Caroline Chebsey.

“I will be talking to delegates about fertility assessment and treatment in secondary care, and am very much looking forward to what is bound to be a lively ‘Fertility Q&A’ session - with case studies – which I shall be leading alongside BCRM’s medical director and lead consultant Valentine Akande.

“There will be plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion throughout the day and we’re looking forward to hearing delegates’ views, as well as imparting information we know they’ll find invaluable when working with patients experiencing fertility issues.”

Places for the study day are limited and can be reserved by emailing Lydia Cuthbertson at BCRM Lydia.Cuthbertson@BCRM.clinic The fee is £85, which includes lunch, refreshments and parking.

For further information eligible parties are invited to call BCRM on 0117 259 1159.