Planning appeal deadline
People have until January 27 to comment on a planning appeal by Persimmon Homes, who want to build a housing estate on farmland in Backwell, North Somerset and create a new junction on the A370 by demolishing two houses.
An appeal has been made to the Planning Inspectorate against North Somerset Council's decision to refuse permission.
Deer in Farleigh Fields, Neil James Brain
The land at Farleigh Fields has a long planning history with a previous application for a larger housing estate turned down at all stages, before finally being rejected in 2018 by the Secretary of State.
Persimmon applied for outline planning last July for 125 houses to be built on the fields, strategic earthworks and drainage and other infrastructure work. Around 400 letters of objection were received.
Backwell Residents Association and Backwell Parish Council have said they will be opposing the plans, which are on land outside the settlement boundary of the village. Objectors say building the houses will increase flooding and increase traffic congestion on the main A370 road between Bristol and Weston-super-Mare.
Comments on the appeal should be sent to
Photo Credits: Neil James Brain