Hotels urge people to avoid airport misery and staycation instead

Hotels urge people to avoid airport misery and staycation instead

Bristol hoteliers are urging holidaymakers to avoid airport misery by sticking to staycations this summer and giving their businesses a post-pandemic boost.

Staff shortages are being blamed for many flights being cancelled, often at short notice, leaving would-be travellers frustrated and disappointed.

But the Bristol Hoteliers Association (BHA) says the simple way to avoid disappointment this summer is to stick to staycations.

After enjoying a bumper Jubilee Bank Holiday weekend, BHA members say they would back calls for a four-day Bank Holiday weekend in June to become a permanent fixture in the calendar.

Raphael Herzog, Chair of the BHA, said: “People have waited a long time to take some much-needed holidays after all the frustration and disruption of the lockdown restrictions.

“But many families are having their plans ruined because of flight cancellations, which could be avoided if they chose staycations instead.

“Having the extra Bank Holiday for Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee, creating a four-day weekend, was very good for most hotels, with high occupancy levels.

“It would be good if we were to get an extra Bank Holiday at the same time of year permanently, providing an early-season boost to trade before the main summer season starts.

“Staycations and weekend breaks offer the perfect post-pandemic getaways and we are now starting to see a good pick-up for the summer months, but would be delighted to welcome more.

“We are pleased to see that occupancy levels are now starting to return to their 2019 pre-pandemic levels, which is very good news, and projections suggest we are set for a strong 2022 and 2023.

“But we can always accommodate more guests and would urge people to think about their travel plans and avoid the risk of delays, disruption and disappointment by booking a staycation.”

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