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Flexible working top of wishlist for lawyers

A survey carried out by national law firm Clarke Willmott LLP has shown that flexible working is top of the agenda for prospective staff looking for a new job.  

Over 75 job applicants were surveyed to find out what was important to them in a new role. The most important factor identified was flexible working (84%) closely followed by an inclusive culture (68%) and development opportunities (66%).  

Daniel Jones, director of human resources at Clarke Willmott, said: “The results of this survey align with our values of supporting staff to work where they produce their best work. 

“We recognise the value that each individual brings to our firm, both in terms of their professional skills and practice area interests but also their interests, hobbies and strengths outside the work environment.  

“Our ethos is one of recognising that people are more than just their work and therefore we promote flexibility and encourage people to pursue individual passions and interests.  In addition to the benefits this better work life balance brings to the individual we believe that happier and engaged staff deliver better service and outcomes for our clients.” 

Clarke Willmott was recently named number 2 for work/life balance on a survey carried out by RollonFriday, in which 81% of staff reported being satisfied with their lifestyle balance.  

Clarke Willmott is a national law firm with offices in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton and Taunton.  

For more information about careers and vacancy listings at Clarke Willmott visit www.clarkewillmott.com/careers