Charity fundraiser celebrates Apple going to big school

Charity fundraiser celebrates Apple going to big school

A fund-raiser in aid of the charity Neuroblastoma UK has raised £736 thanks to Mama Bear’s nursery and pre-school on Pembroke Road in Soundwell, Bristol, as staff and younger children waved this year’s leavers off to embark on their journey through ‘big school.’

The charity was chosen in honour of one of the nursery’s ‘graduates,’ Apple Smith who has benefitted from their support while she has been at Mama Bear’s.

Apple, whose family live locally, was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer when she was three years old and during her time at Mama Bear’s she has been receiving treatment to combat the illness.

Apple’s mother, Anthea Smith, said: “Our goal during Apple’s cancer journey has always been for her to join school, as planned, in September. We were very proud when she graduated from Mama Bear’s and was able to go to ‘Big School’ like any other four-year-old.

“Mama Bear’s has been incredibly supportive to us during Apple’s 15 months of treatment, accommodating her sporadic attendance and making her feel included. Our younger daughter, Tallulah, goes there too, and they have been fantastic offering her routine, consistency and extra cuddles while Apple has been in hospital having treatment.

“We also appreciate Mama Bear’s supporting Neuroblastoma UK. This charity is very close to our hearts and raising awareness of childhood cancer in general has been very important to us.”

Nursery manager, Emma Plucknett, said: “Apple and her family coped so brilliantly with everything they’ve had to go through with Apple’s treatment.

“Thankfully her cancer and cancer hot spots have now reduced and her last round of treatment will end next month.

“One of the family’s goals to keep them focussed during this difficult time was to get her to school in September 2022, and finally it’s happened and Apple has been incredibly excited about starting at ‘big school’.

“The team at Pembroke Road, who have been caring for Apple since she was a toddler were keen to show their support to this little star and her family by raising money for the charity Neuroblastoma UK, as were other families who have known her at the nursery.

“To celebrate reaching this important milestone we asked Apple’s family if they were happy for us to do some fundraising for a charity of their choice at our graduation ceremony – when we say goodbye to all the children who are about to start school – and they nominated Neuroblastoma UK.

“We organised lots of activities such as face painting, hook a duck, sponge the staff, tattoo stall, coconut shy, bake sale, bouncy castle and soft play, apple bobbing and of course we had a visit from our lovely mascot, Mama Bear herself.

“The event was really well attended, and we were delighted when we counted the takings and realised we’d raised over £700 to give to the charity.

“Big thanks to all the staff who gave up their time to support the event and also those who donated raffle prizes and bought tickets.”

Mama Bear’s is a family-run childcare business which has become known for its affordable and flexible childcare provision.  The group has 24 settings across the South West aimed at providing children with their first vital level of education to give them a head-start when they start at primary school.  

Further information about places for children and about career opportunities at Mama Bear’s are available at

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