Westerleigh roll-out webcasting upgrade for funerals

Westerleigh roll-out webcasting upgrade for funerals

Westerleigh Group, which operates cemeteries and crematoria throughout the UK, has invested in new webcasting services at all of its 34 sites as restrictions on funeral services due to Coronavirus continue.

The roll-out has been achieved in partnership with Obitus, the leading supplier of bereavement technology in the UK following a review of all sites. It is part of a complete upgrade of audio-visual equipment at each location, supporting funeral directors and families with the music, hymns and visual tributes they require at ceremonies.

Kate Davidson, Commercial Director of Westerleigh Group said: “Sadly we believe that restrictions on the number of people attending funerals will be with us for many more months.

“In the past there would be a handful of mourners choosing to watch a service online we are now experiencing hundreds of mourners sometimes logging on for individual services.

“We have offered webcasting from our sites for many years to support people unable to attend funerals but this increased demand in recent months prompted us to take steps to make them more robust and reliable.

“Obitus have worked with us since 2011 supporting 15 sites and we are now pleased to have completed a roll-out on our remaining 19 sites so that there is a consistency of quality and resilience. Almost all funerals are now being webcast online as the restriction to 30 people attending means many friends and family have to attend online.

“We spoke to funeral arrangers and celebrants and they overwhelmingly supported the look and feel of the online system offered by Obitus as they provide comfort to those who have to use the system.”

James Crossland, Managing Director of Obitus said: “We share the same core values as Westerleigh in providing a first-class service to the bereaved. From our bases in Sheffield and Henley we have been able to carry out this major installation programme throughout England, Scotland and Wales and ensure the system operates well in each location.

“At the forefront of everything we do is to ensure that in these difficult times people can say goodbye to their loved ones in a dignified way with a seamless webcasting service.”

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