Sweet Construct makes first funding awards through scheme at The Chocolate Factory

Sweet Construct makes first funding awards through scheme at The Chocolate Factory

£1,000 has been donated to two community organisations in Greenbank, Bristol through the first funding awards of 'Sweet Support'; a £5,000 community investment pot made available as part of work on the £28m residential development of The Chocolate Factory. The successful initiatives are the Friends of Greenbank Cemetery Bat Project and May Park Primary School PTA's forest school.

The awarding panel comprised of Sweet Construct Project Manager John Richards, Development Director for Generator South West Jason Schofield and Easton Ward Councillors Afzal Shah and Ruth Pickersgill.

The Greenbank Cemetery Bat Project has received £500 to fund the installation of bat boxes and a bat detector, which will inspire local people to get involved in their local environment through nature based activities in the Cemetery. The initiative will increase awareness of the elusive creatures as well as offering family bat walks and engagement with local schools. Debra Newick, Chair of Friends of Greenbank Cemetery commented "Huge thanks to Sweet Construct. This project will make a real different to engagement in the space. Hopefully residents of the development will also enjoy the biodiversity on their urban doorsteps."

The second award of £500 has been made to May Park Primary School PTA, to fund the creation of an outdoor Forest School. By creating a woodland space to facilitate outdoor learning for the children, they will have the opportunity to learn through sensory play and enjoy benefits to mental wellbeing. Chair of the PTA, Rebecca Sheehy was delighted to receive the news and said "May Park PTA is so excited and grateful to have received funding from Sweet Construct. This is going to help make forest school at May Park a reality. Teachers, parents and children are all desperate to be able to make the most of our woodland and ensure that the outdoor learning is part of our children’s everyday experience. These times in lockdown have brought into sharp focus how important green spaces are to our wellbeing.”

The scheme remains open for future applications - organisations wishing to apply for support should visit www.sweetconstruct.co.uk/sweetsupport to review the criteria and download the application form.

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