IVF Babble and TwoDads UK launch fertility support

IVF Babble and TwoDads UK launch fertility support

A new collaboration has been formed to provide help and support online for people in the LGBTQ+ community who want to start a family.

IVF Babble the go-to-source of information, support and advice for anyone struggling with fertility or undergoing treatment has teamed up with TwoDads UK to provide a powerful new source of help, advice, comfort and access to experts.

The collaboration has been forged during Pride month and looks to create something unique for the LGBTQ+ community who face unique challenges in trying to conceive and have a family.

IVF Babble was formed by Sara Marshall-Page and Tracey Bambrough almost three years ago and has grown with worldwide subscribers. 

Tracey Bamborough said: “Whilst we already have a space on IVFbabble.com for the LGBTQ community, we knew we needed to do more”

Sara Marshall-Page said: “This new collaboration not only launches a new era of IVF Babble, but it’s the beginning of an exciting chapter with our friends at TwoDads U.K - something we’re all very excited about.”

Michael Johnson-Ellis co-founder of TwoDads.U.K added: “Myself and Wes really hit it off with Sara and Tracey from the moment we met, we knew we’d be on a journey doing something pretty special and exciting in terms of equality and education, our passion to support and help people is so insync.”

IVFbabble LGBT and TwoDads UK will be working together to create IVF Babble’s LGBTQ content to bring fresh ideas, new themes and relevant information on not only Surrogacy and IVF topics, but family building for the LGBTQ community, with some incredible writers, bloggers and the odd familiar face too.

TwoDads UK have been at the forefront of campaigning for change for Surrogacy laws in the UK and for equality, in terms of NHS policy when it comes to birthing preparations for Surrogates and Intended Parents.

Over the last 3 years they have helped and guide hundreds of Intended Parents to achieve their dreams of creating a family, who otherwise may have given up hope. Whether its via their blog or their social channels (@TwoDads.U.K) they have led the way for LGBTQ parenting in the UK by being positive role models. They also founded The Modern Family Show which launches on the 19th September, the only UK LGBTQ family building show taking place in London.

IVF Babble provide help, support and inspiration on all aspects of trying to conceive supporting all people who want to have a baby with information, inspiration and support for everyone considering or going through fertility treatment.

More information on the new partnership can be found at www.ivfbabble.com.

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