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Grand Pier shines a light for essential workers

The night sky above Weston-super-Mare’s seafront now has a distinctive blue tint to it as the Grand Pier pays its own tribute to the NHS and other essential workers during the current pandemic.

The resort’s top tourist attraction has been transformed into a blue beacon every night as a show of recognition and appreciation to those front-line workers who are spearheading the fight against the Covid-19 virus.

The Pier - like many businesses in the hospitality and leisure sector - reluctantly took the decision to close on March 20 in response to Government guidelines in order to help stop the spread of the disease and support social distancing.

Over the past few weeks, grateful people across the nation have been showing their appreciation for NHS workers and others by taking part in a round of applause every Thursday night.

This has also seen key landmarks - like the London Eye - be bathed in blue light as a show of appreciation.

Michelle Michael, Director of the Grand Pier, said: “We wanted to let all the key workers in our area know that we are very aware that they are sacrificing so much in order to keep the rest of us safe, and we can’t express just how grateful we are.

“The least we can do is to bathe our pavilion in blue light, so that any of those people carrying out essential roles can see it on their way to and from their work, and will know that their efforts are so appreciated. 

“But also, we didn’t just want to make this gesture on a Thursday night, when so many people are taking to their doorsteps, gardens and balconies to clap in appreciation. 

“We have been lighting the Pier up every night, so that those essential front-line workers - many of whom are potentially putting themselves at greater risk - know that we appreciate what they are doing for us all every single day.

“It was with great sadness that we had to close the Pier until further notice, but as the Prime Minister said this week, while the lockdown and social distancing measures are extremely difficult for many people, they are making a difference.

“We can’t wait to re-open our gates and welcome people back to the Grand Pier but the most important thing of all right now is that everyone plays their part in beating this virus, so we would urge people to listen to, and heed, the Government’s advice.

“We would like to thank everyone who has sent us messages of support over the past few weeks.

“We have the most amazing, loyal customers. We also need to thank our staff for being so supportive over this time of uncertainty.

“Until we re-open, please stay safe and take care, and we look forward to welcoming you back to the Grand Pier as soon as it is safe to do so.”

If anyone has any concerns about a booking they have made, they should keep checking the Pier’s website www.grandpier.co.uk and social media channels for updates, or call 01934 620 238