Bristol City Council undertakes review of Public Space Protection Orders

Bristol City Council undertakes review of Public Space Protection Orders

People across Bristol are being asked for their views on one of the key ways to tackle anti-social behaviour in the city.

Bristol City Council is undertaking a review of some of the Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) that are currently in place.

A Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) bans or restricts certain acts or behaviour in a specific area. They’re used in areas where certain behaviour is having a negative effect on the quality of life of those using the space.

A PSPO can remain in place for three years, and some of the current PSPOs in Bristol will expire on 19 October 2020.

The options moving forward are either allowing them to lapse, or extending them in their current form for a further three years. Therefore, the council would like to hear from people across the city, particularly those who use, or live near, a designated area, to help decide whether or not to renew the current orders.

Deputy Mayor Councillor Asher Craig, Cabinet Member with responsibility for communities, said: “Making the city a safer more pleasant place to live and work for everyone is a top priority for both residents and the council. Public Space Protection Order (PSPOs) are used where anti-social behaviour is having a negative effect on the quality of life in certain areas.

 “We want to hear from local communities to see whether or not they believe PSPOs are making a difference in their area, and whether they would like to see them continue. If you live near an area that is covered by one of these orders, then please take the time to fill out our quick survey.”

PSPOs enable police officers and officers from the council, to confiscate alcohol from people they believe are involved in causing ASB. If they fail to comply with the request, they could be given a fixed penalty notice or prosecuted.

Notices regarding the orders are displayed via signs on lamp posts as well as appearing on the council website at 

The closing date of the consultation is 21 August 2020.

You can visit to complete the online survey.

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