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Blooming Lovely: Taunton Nursery wins sunflower competition

A Taunton nursery has scooped a prize for its giant sunflower which measures at over 10 feet tall.

Nursery children at Mama Bear’s Day Nursery and Pre-School on Wellington Road have been tending to their sunflowers since Spring when Mama Bear’s HQ launched a competition across all 24 of its settings.

Out of all entries, the Taunton nursery’s bloom was judged the best with prizes also going to individual staff members and children who worked on home grown efforts across the South West.

Tony Driffield, co-owner of the Mama Bear’s nursery group, said: “A huge congratulations to our Wellington Road nursery which has won this year’s highly coveted Sunflower Competition.

“The standard of entries this year was the best we have seen yet and although I had numerous bribes in the form of home baked goods from lots of the nursery managers, Taunton won with not one but six impressive sunflowers.

“It was a really tough summer for both our staff and the children so it was great to have this fun competition to focus on. The children of key workers and vulnerable children who were with us over lockdown helped grow our nursery flowers and it gave children at home a fun activity to do too while creating an important link to their nursery.

“All the children loved coming back after lockdown and seeing how tall their sunflowers had grown. Well done to all the nursery staff and parents who contributed and took part.”

Mama Bear’s is a family-run nursery with 24 settings across the South West in Bristol, Somerset and Devon with the aim of making high-quality, affordable childcare available to families living, working or studying in the South West. 

For more information or to register visit www.mamabear.co.uk