Big energy firms losing out in energy exodus

Big energy firms losing out in energy exodus

The Big 6 Energy suppliers have lost more than 400,000 customers since June 1st

As the UK falls into recession there has been a large increase in the number of households switching away from the Big Six energy providers in order to save on their bills, according to Nailsea-based auto-switching specialists Flipper.

“Nearly 1,000,000 people have switched energy supplier since June 1 and more than 400,000 of those moved away from the Big Six energy firms that dominate the market,” said Mark Gutteridge, CEO of auto-switching website Flipper.

“This is an increase of 25% compared to the same time last year, while the number of people switching back to a large supplier has fallen by 32%”.

“People are now seeing the impact of the increase in home energy usage since lockdown in their bills and are taking action. And with pressure on household budgets expected to increase in the coming months as the furlough scheme ends, we expect this trend to continue.”

Until 2013 the Big 6 supplied energy to 98% of all UK households but, as more suppliers entered the energy market, they saw customers numbers drop dramatically and have lost more than 8 MILLION households to the new entrants over the past 5 years.

Flipper are supporting thousands of households across the UK by helping them find the best energy deal for their needs and while saving money remains the major factor, being with a supplier that offers great service or being on a green energy tariff are also important for many customers.

“A typical household can save around £330 a year by moving from a Standard tariff with a Big 6 supplier to a new deal with a really good mid-size supplier.”   

Unlike other auto-switching or comparison sites Flipper is independent and takes no commission or referral fees, meaning it can “flip” its members to any energy provider based on price, customer service and value for money.

Its members pay a £30 annual subscription; however, no money is payable until Flipper finds a deal saving at least £50 off the current energy bill.

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