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Plymouth dementia care home named as best in the South West

A specialist dementia care home in Plymouth has won the award for “Best Specialist Dementia Care Provider in South West England” in Global Health and Pharma (GHP) magazine’s 2020 Social Care Awards.

The winner, Butterfly Lodge - which is located on Agaton Road in St Budeaux - is run by the Camelot Care Group.

GHP - a global information sharing platform and a multi-disciplinary members’ community - launched the Social Care Awards to help rectify the fact that in the healthcare sphere, excellence in social care often goes ‘under the radar’ and unacknowledged, and to highlight the very best practitioners and establishments in this vital industry.

Awards co-ordinator Katherine Benton said: “The need for social care services is growing exponentially on the back of increasing lifespans and a greater understanding of human need.

“Social care provides much needed support to the most vulnerable members of our global society, and those that dedicate their lives to helping others in this capacity are, often, unsung heroes.

“Whilst the people that work in this sector don’t do it for the accolades, we are eager to acknowledge the everyday achievements of those that embody the ideals of this sector of care. Congratulations to everyone, and I hope you have a wonderful 2020 ahead.”

Abby Wiseman, manager of Butterfly Lodge, said: “To be named as best dementia care provider in the whole of the South West is quite an achievement, and my team and I are thrilled to have our work recognised in this way.”

For further information about the winners named in the 2020 Social Care Awards see https://bit.ly/39rh0ru and for details about Butterfly Lodge see www.camelotcare.co.uk