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Delilah and Lightning bring unbridled joy to care home residents

Two new friendly faces trotted into Avalon care home in Bridgwater to meet residents for a special afternoon of animal therapy.

Shetland ponies Delilah and Lightning were brought to the home by Ros Dark – whose father, retired farmer, Michael, 78, is cared for at Avalon – and his granddaughter Pippa.

“We wanted our residents, especially those from a farming background, to have an experience which was personal and relatable to them,” said Avalon's activities co-ordinator, Lisa Priddice.

“Residents were engaged and delighted by these beautiful ponies, asking questions, getting involved, and enjoying the experience of stroking a horse.

“One of our ladies, who is limited verbally, began singing and making horse sounds as if she were trying to communicate with them which was so heartwarming.

“There was so much energy in the home that day—smiles, laughter.

“The ponies were so well-behaved; we even took them into the lounges and rooms to give everyone the chance to see and touch them.”

The visit by five-year-old Delilah and 18-year-old miniature Shetland Lightning was part of the home’s Farm Month which included a farm visit and food tasting day.

Avalon is one of four specialist dementia care homes run by Camelot Care in Somerset and Devon. Further details at www.camelotcare.co.uk