Seaside memories spark joy

Seaside memories spark joy

Residents at a specialist Wellington dementia care home have been enjoying all the fun of the seaside without the bother of making the journey, thanks to the dedication of the activities team at Camelot House and Lodge who recreated a raft of beach and holiday activities for people to enjoy in their own home.

Top of the list of favourites was sandcastle-making, with imported sand available on a table at waist height so that residents could get creative without having to stoop over.

To the accompaniment of a soundtrack featuring waves breaking on the shore and the cries of seagulls, residents also enjoyed ice-creams, summer drinks and playing games of dominoes in the shade.

Activities organiser, Richard Dempslake, said: “We put on a proper beach party for our residents and they really got into the spirit of things.

“Obviously we had a lovely sing-along, including ‘I do like to be beside the seaside,’ and some of the party-goers also relaxed by getting their feet wet – in a foot-spa, not among the waves, but they seemed very happy with that.

“Sensory input is very important for people with dementia, so we created a pretend beach so anyone who wanted to could enjoy getting sand between their toes.

“Our in-house bar, the Windsor Arms – named for actress Barbara Windsor who was a fabulous dementia-awareness campaigner – served sangria alongside the usual tipples, and that went down very well too.

“We have to make the most of the sunshine when we can – it’s lovely for people to be able to sit outside to absorb some vitamin D and enjoy the summer outdoors.

“We have plenty of shade available, as well as a great choice of sunhats which added to the spirit of the beach party.”

The party is part of a full programme of activities organised for the residents of Camelot House and Lodge, run by award-winning dementia care providers Camelot Care. The group has other homes in Bridgwater and Plymouth, see

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