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Residents raise funds for hospice care in Somerset

Wellington-based dementia care home Camelot House and Lodge has contributed over £130 to their local hospice’s autumn fundraising campaign after a ‘Wear it yellow’ day that saw the whole home drenched in sunshine colours and a range of fun money-making activities laid on.

The home’s activities team brainstormed ways to embrace the yellow theme and started off by decorating throughout with yellow bunting, yellow helium balloons and pictures of sunflowers.

Progressing the colourful theme, staff and residents donned outfits in sunny colours, including an eye-catching banana-suit that was sported by Richard Dempslake, the activities co-ordinator.

Richard said: “We organised two distinct activities, giving residents a choice between doing arts and crafts - painting or using chalks on templates of sunflowers - or decorating cakes with a vibrant lemon buttercream.

“And we always make try to include some musical interest, so we did a special playlist for the day, including Mellow Yellow, The Beatles’ We all live in a yellow submarine, the Banana Boat Song, Abba’s Honey Honey and – of course - Tie a yellow ribbon on the old oak tree.

“Most of the fundraising was done through a bake sale, with a huge range of yummy cakes contributed by staff, families and friends, and we also collected donations from those who wanted to take part.

“St Margaret’s Hospice does amazing work for people in Somerset who need end-of-life care and we were pleased to make a contribution to support them.”

The seasonal fundraising target for St Margaret’s is £10,000. The Hospice has been helping patients, families and carers across Somerset facing a life-limiting illness for more than 40 years, providing palliative care and end of life care closer to home, while ensuring specialist care is available for those who need it. See www.st-margarets-hospice.org.uk for further information.

Camelot House and Lodge is run by award-winning dementia care providers Camelot Care who also have other homes in Bridgwater and Plymouth, see www.camelotcare.co.uk