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Greetings from The Queen as Jean celebrates her century

One-hundred-year-old Jean Jennings was thrilled to open a birthday card from the Queen as part of the celebrations for her milestone birthday at the specialist care home where she lives in Bridgwater.

When Jean opened the royal card and read the Queen’s congratulatory message, she said she was shocked to find she had reached 100 and couldn’t quite believe that so many years had passed.

Her special day was marked with an intimate gathering for close family members, arranged by the activities team at Avalon Nursing Home where Jean has lived for nearly three years.

The stylish centenarian, who still regularly enjoys a pampering session and a manicure, had her outfit picked out and styled by the team. They also created an eye-catching balloon display for the party room, and head chef Robert Adams made her a special cake.

Jean said: "Just to be with my family was the best birthday present really."

Jean, who was brought up in Merseyside, has lived in Bridgwater since 1964. She trained as a short-hand typist and enjoyed being a secretary at the soap-manufacturing giant Lever Bros, as well as working as a member of the Auxiliary Territorial Service (ATS) including stints in Egypt and Turkey.

Until the late 1970’s Jean was a familiar figure at Chiltern Trinity Tech where she worked as school secretary.

Always a keen sportswoman, Jean met her future husband Bill when they were both playing squash and they were married in 1953. Bill, who was already a keen golfer, inspired Jean to take up the game as well and she excelled at it. She is a past lady captain and president of Enmore Golf Club. She was also a keen tennis player.

Jean’s other interests include a love of animals, especially big cats, as well as baking and flower-arranging – both of which she still enjoys at Avalon.

Activities co-ordinator Lisa Priddice said: “Jean still enjoys a gentle game of catch, which we play with balloons, and she is always ready to join in with the various physical activities we offer our residents.

“We are looking forward to recommencing the regular trips out we used to do with our residents pre-Covid soon, hopefully, and we know she’ll be keen to join in with those as well.”

Jean’s son Andy and his wife Betty wrote a letter of thanks to Avalon’s manager, Jess Hawker, saying: “The decorations and food, and especially the cake, were fantastic. We were really pleased with the way everything went and appreciate the help you and all the staff gave to make it a great day.”

Avalon is run by award-winning- dementia care provider Camelot Care which has other specialist homes in Wellington and Plymouth.