Zoe Stollard to become Chair of the Hinkley Professional Services Group

Zoe Stollard to become Chair of the Hinkley Professional Services Group

Zoe Stollard, a Construction Partner at national law firm Clarke Willmott LLP, has been appointed the Chair of Hinkley Professional Services Group (Hinkley PSG), following a Board meeting on 18th May 2021 which will take effect as of 1st July 2021. Zoe will replace Graham Potts from Wessex Commercial Services who has led the Group over the last couple of years.

The Hinkley PSG formed in 2017 is a collection of businesses that have either direct experience of advising businesses or consortia already involved in the Hinkley Point C (HPC) project or relevant transferable experience. The overriding principle is that members of Hinkley PSG are collaborative, bring valued experience and are committed to share best practice, through case studies, videos, workshops, and information sheets.

Members have been selected from a range of professional service businesses including law firms, accountancy practices, finance companies, finance brokers, human resource, and project management specialists.  All can provide advice as businesses go through various stages of contracts including tender preparation, NEC3 and other contract negotiation, mobilisation, and contract delivery. Free initial consultations are a key offering, and all members are ambassadors for new nuclear energy projects. The Hinkley PSG is endorsed by the Hinkley Supply Chain and supported by HPC.

Graham Potts said: "I would like to thank the Board and wider membership for their support over the last couple of years in developing the Group. I am proud that we have created a strong cohesive Board, launched a new website and most importantly members have supported businesses wanting to win contracts at Hinkley Point C."

Zoe Stollard commented: “I would like to express sincere thanks to both Graham and Linda from Wessex Commercial Solutions for doing such a sterling job in leading and reinvigorating the Hinkley PSG over the last couple of years. I fully appreciate and respect their decision to stand down from the Board, but I’m pleased Wessex will remain members.”

To find out more about the Hinkley PSG please visit www.hinkleypsg.com and get in touch.

Clarke Willmott is a national law firm with offices in Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, London, Manchester, Southampton and Taunton.

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