Time is running out – Last chance for Dorset residents to have their say on climate strategy

Time is running out – Last chance for Dorset residents to have their say on climate strategy

Dorset Council is reminding residents that they have until Wednesday 20 January to tell them what they think about plans to tackle the climate and ecological emergency.

The Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy presents key areas for action to ensure that the Council’s services and estate become carbon neutral (i.e. they save more carbon than they produce) by 2040, and across the whole Dorset Council area by 2050.

The Council wants to gather feedback from residents, organisations, and partners, in order to further develop plans and initiatives to achieve a carbon neutral Dorset.

Dorset Council recommend reading the strategy and action plan (or at least the parts you are interested in), which can be found at www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/climate-strategy. This will provide important information that will enable you to better respond to the questions in the survey.

When you are ready, visit www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/climate-survey and follow the on-screen instructions.

The strategy covers a lot of detail, but you can save your survey responses online and return to them later, or you can just comment on the sections that interest you.

Some questions must be answered before you can proceed, but most sections are optional.

Cllr Ray Bryan, Dorset Council’s Portfolio Holder for Highways, Travel and Environment, said:

“We want as many people to respond to our Climate and Ecological Emergency Strategy consultation as possible, but the deadline for responses is approaching fast.

I strongly encourage everyone to head over to our website, have a read of the strategy and complete the survey. Those who need offline copies of the documents can request these by calling 01305 221000 or e-mailing our Communications Team  at comms@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk.”

Dorset Council elected members and Town and Parish councils have also been provided with the offline version of the survey. Completed surveys must also be returned by Wednesday 20 January.

The strategy document, including links to introductory videos and supporting documents, can be found at www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/climate-strategy

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