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Sweethearts and cream tea for care home residents on Valentines

Some good old-fashioned romance was in the air for residents of a Wellington dementia care home, thanks to a generous afternoon tea donation courtesy of a local pub which, in normal times, is famed for its warm welcome.

The Beambridge Inn at Sampford Arundel donated 40 freshly-baked scones and lent their mini cake stands, to help staff and carers at Camelot House and Lodge throw a stylish Valentines’ celebration for their residents, despite the restrictions of lockdown.

Activities co-ordinator, Richard Dempslake, said: “In the run-up to the big day we worked alongside our residents, supporting them to make heart-shaped decorations to festoon the dining room, as well as personalised Valentines’ cards to send to their families and loved ones.

“Our catering staff turned out an incredible selection of Valentines’ themed cupcakes, which were consumed very enthusiastically at tea-time, alongside the Beambridge Inn’s scones served with jam and cream.

“We also made up some treats in individual bags to give to our residents – a bit like Valentines’ party bags, and we spent the afternoon watching favourite romantic films with them.

“Lockdown is hard on the people we support who are living with dementia, because many of them don’t understand the need for the social restrictions and really miss not seeing their families and loved ones.

“A celebration like this helps to lift everyone’s spirits, and we certainly all had a great time. Big thanks to the Beambridge Inn for their generous donation.”

Camelot House and Lodge is run by award-winning dementia care providers Camelot Care, who also run care homes in Bridgwater and Plymouth. See www.camelotcare.co.uk