Fintech focus for China Bureau Webinar

Fintech focus for China Bureau Webinar

Fintech will be the focus of the latest Bristol and West of England China Bureau webinar this Thursday.

The Zoom session – entitled “The West of England FinTech Ecosystem – Technology-Driven Innovation” takes place on 13th May from 9am-10.30am.

“Our latest webinar will explore the unique position that West of England fintechs have established in the wider UK economy,” says Richard Lowe, director of business initiatives at the China Bureau, who will be chairing the event.

“We will also look at the reasons why Bristol, Bath and the West of England have one of the UK’s top fintech clusters, as detailed in the UK government’s recent Kalifa Report.”

The webinar will feature insights from panelists including:

  • Stuart Harrison, director of FinTech West

  • Janine Hirt, CEO of Innovate Finance

  • Charlie Richardson, co-founder of Lumio

  • Tim Hegarty, founder of Evershare

  • James Trenholme, founder of Phronesis Technologies 

Register here: The West of England FinTech Eco-System - Technology Driven Innovation Tickets, Thu 13 May 2021 at 09:00 | Eventbrite

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