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Somerset County Council webinar to support local businesses

Somerset County Council will present online the work that they are doing with partners to help local businesses stay safe, recover and grow as the county eases further out of lockdown.

The Council and partners are hosting a live webinar next Wednesday (22 July), free of charge at 7pm and open to any Somerset business to join.

Somerset’s Director of Public Health, Trudi Grant, will advise businesses on how to stay safe and the steps to take if a business has a suspected or confirmed Coronavirus customer or staff member.

Business leads, including Cllr David Hall, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Somerset’s economy and Paul Hickson, Assistant Director of the Council’s Economy team will also discuss the measures that the Council and partners have put in place to support businesses recover, prosper and grow in these challenging times.

The discussions will include Somerset’s business recovery plan, the projects it contains as well as an update on travel schemes enacted by partners during the COVID-19 pandemic, delivered by Strategic Manager for Traffic Management, Bev Norman.

During the webinar, there will be an opportunity to ask questions to the panel on any public health or business Coronavirus related matter.

Cllr Hall said: “Businesses from all parts of our County have experienced difficulties beyond their control during the pandemic – experiences they’ve never had to face before.

“As the lockdown now further eases and we begin to take steps towards recovery, it is vital that we are there to support businesses with help and advice on how to stay safe, recover and regrow their ventures.”

The webinar will take place on Wednesday 22nd July 2020 at 7.00 – 8.00 pm and can be accessed at: https://tinyurl.com/weblomp. If a business has a question, raise on the night or send in advance to communications@somerset.gov.uk.

To further support businesses, the Council and partners have produced leaflets and posters to inform companies, their employees and customers what to do when a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 is reported.

There is also a specific leaflet for accommodation providers on what to do if a Somerset visitor is suspected or tests positive.

These are all available to download at: https://www.somerset.gov.uk/coronavirus/coronavirus-back-to-work-government-guidelines/

Somerset’s Local Outbreak Management Plan is available to view at: https://tinyurl.com/locallomp