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Somerset care home reopens to support NHS

A Somerset care home group is supporting the NHS by arranging for a former home to be converted quickly into an intermediate care facility so that people can be moved out of the county’s two acute hospitals and be safely looked after during the coronavirus pandemic.

Camelot Care have handed over the redundant former Acacia Nursing Home in Yeovil after being approached by Somerset County Council’s Adult Social Care team.  

Staff from Camelot Care worked through the weekend to bring the mothballed care home back into use to provide 39 vitally needed beds for the NHS. 

Paul Teasdale, director of Camelot Care said: “Acacia has been closed for a while but it is perfect for this use as it is located just up the road from Yeovil District Hospital. 

“Our team are doing a fantastic job of helping to get it ready to open on a very tight timescale. We were very pleased to be able to help in this way.” 

To ensure more hospital beds are available for patients with the coronavirus, hospitals, councils and care providers will be working together to increase the number of medically-well people who can be discharged home or to a residential care home.  

This will be happening quickly and safely in the coming days, and many of those leaving hospital will need care support. 

Extra rooms have been bought in other care homes across the county.  Somerset’s local authorities are calling for care workers to come forward and play a vital role in tackling Coronavirus pressures.   

They are looking for people who have ideally worked in care settings before and have retired or moved into different fields. 

These will be paid positions working for care providers, initially Somerset Care, the county’s largest care provider. Refresher training and support will be provided.   

The following roles are needed: 

  • Care home workers who can assists with personal care 

  • Nurses who can oversee care plans 

  • Domestic support – cleaning and preparing meals 

  • Gardeners and property maintenance 

Anyone who thinks they may be able to help should call 0300 123 2224.   

This initiative is a joint project between Somerset’s Local Authorities, Somerset Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, the county’s two acute hospitals – Musgrove Park in Taunton and Yeovil District Hospital – Somerset CCG and Somerset Care.