Messages of kindness bring joy to Somerset care home residents

Messages of kindness bring joy to Somerset care home residents

Big-hearted well-wishers have been putting Plymouth care home, Butterfly Lodge, on the map.

Home to up to 37 residents living with dementia, Butterfly Lodge has been receiving Postcards of Kindness from across the country.

The project offers friendly messages to older people, many of whom are no longer able to see their 

families due to lockdown restrictions.

“We’ve put up a map of the UK with ribbons to show where all the different cards have come from,” said Butterfly’s activities co-ordinator Paul Hutt.

“They’ve come from far and wide – from Texas in the United States to Great Yarmouth in Norfolk – and are a real pick-me-up for our residents in these difficult times.

“We’re received almost 90 cards so far. We are so touched by everyone’s kindness. It’s wonderful to know there are so many lovely, thoughtful people out there.

“There have been so many different cards, some are hand drawn or painted, others are of views, or old advertisements, with lovely heart-warming messages.

“We use them as a talking point with residents – we might look at the picture on the front which could inspire someone to talk about a holiday they once had, or maybe a place they used to live.

“They also love reading the messages and are delighted to know there are people thinking of them and sending them their best wishes.”

Resident Phil O’Regan (86) was thrilled to see a postcard from Beckenham in Kent where he ran a Suzuki dealership for many years and sponsored local motorcycle scrambling events.

Butterfly Lodge is a specialist care home is run by Camelot Care in Agaton Road, St Budueax.

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