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Festive fun at Fairfield School

School children at Fairfield School in Backwell have been getting into the festive spirit with a series of Christmas activities.

The festivities were enhanced by a special visit from Father Christmas who arrived at the school on his horse and cart and made a circuit of the car park and school drive so all the children were able to see him.

Organised by teachers at the North Somerset independent school, the visit also saw Santa leave chocolate treats for the pupils.

The annual Christingle Service looked a little different this year due to coronavirus restrictions but Fairfield School Headmistress Lesley Barton, said: “We pre-recorded our Christingle Service in our separate bubbles this year and then put the separate recordings together to make the service. We had readings, a song and an explanation of the meaning behind the Christingle by our Year 6 children.

“The children also made Christingles and then watched the service with their lit Christingles in their class bubbles. We missed being all together but we were still able to enjoy the magic of the service!”

The Key Stage 1 Nativity Concert was also adapted this year in keeping with restrictions. The Nativity was filmed outdoors and the finished recording was then sent out to parents. Children in Early Years also recorded their Nativity concerts and the final service of term was a pre-recorded Carol Service which told the Christmas story through Bible readings, poems, songs and carols. 

Children from all year groups were able to contribute to the recorded service and several delivered beautiful solos or instrumental pieces.

Lesley continued: “We were so glad we were able to find a way for parents to watch the lovely Nativity plays, Christingle and the Carol Service remotely. Although unable to celebrate together this year, we still shared the magic of Christmas and maintained our sense of community and mutual support.” 

Fairfield School is an independent co-educational school for children aged 2 to 11. Class sizes are limited to a maximum of 20 at Fairfield School, with many much smaller and there is a very wide range of clubs and activities, sport, music and drama to excite the interest of pupils. Fairfield is historically a PNEU School, which means it is affiliated to the Parents’ National Education Union. There are PNEU schools throughout the UK and the world.