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Explore Easter online with The New Room

A new online resource encouraging families to explore Holy Week and Easter is now available free from the New Room in Bristol, otherwise known as John Wesley’s Chapel.   

The ‘Explore Easter’ resources, compiled by the education team, have been uploaded to the New Room’s website to enable parents and children to look at the Easter story together. 

The list draws from the best resources on the web to create a one-stop place to find creative and educational activities. 

To capture the imagination of children in key stage 1 (5-7 years) there is a fun guide to making a miniature Easter garden, a quiz and trail map that tell ‘the seriously surprising story’ from a Christian point of view, plus access to two videos and discussion points from the BBC’s KS1 assembly series, including the tale of Dan the Donkey. 

Seven to 11 year olds (key stage 2) can find out how to make a palm cross, discover the Easter story in Lego, be inspired to make an Easter prayer decoration, look at Jesus’ journey with an art focus, and explore a BBC Bitesize look at ‘What is Easter?’ 

And for 11-14 year olds (key stage 3) there is a series of five short films, each with supporting questions and suggested activities to offer a seasonal distraction for young teenagers unused to home-schooling. After the film about Palm Sunday, for example, viewers are asked to find and watch other films of famous people - such as popstars - being mobbed and then consider what motivates people to act like this, and how it might feel to be in such a crowd. 

Parents and other visitors to the website can also find some diversion in the ‘Fun Stuff for Everyone’ section where you can learn the ‘Boom Chicka Boom’ song, collect some Easter jokes courtesy of the Goes Wrong team, and watch a fascinating short film showing how the Queen’s Easter egg is made. 

Mandy Briggs, education officer for the New Room, said: “The ongoing coronavirus situation means that the New Room is closed for the time being, so sadly the family-friendly workshops we run on-site during school holidays can’t go ahead as normal. 

“We have compiled this ‘Easter package’ for the enjoyment of anyone who wishes to access it, free of charge, with a view to providing an entertaining and useful resource for visitors to our website. 

“Initial feedback from parents has been very appreciative, so we’re hoping we’ll have lots of young online visitors and that they’ll enjoy what they find.” 

The New Room’s ‘Explore Easter’ activities are available on the ‘Education’ page of the New Room’s website at www.newroombristol.org.uk/education/explore-easter  

For further information about the New Room and John Wesley’s Chapel see www.newroombristol.org.uk