Couple celebrate twins born two years apart

Couple celebrate twins born two years apart

A Taunton woman is celebrating the arrival of twins – who were born two years apart.  

Cameron Marks, two, and his new-born sister Isabella, are considered twins after being conceived at the same time through IVF and from the same batch of embryos. 

Their parents, Karen and James Marks, decided to keep their remaining viable embryos frozen after the birth of Cameron in 2018 so they could increase their family at a later date. 

The couple who married in 2014 feared they might never have a child of their own after Karen failed to get pregnant and was diagnosed with fertility issues. 

She was given funding for one round of IVF on the NHS in 2017 at the Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine (BCRM) that treats both private and NHS patients. 

Baby Isabella Grace was born at Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton, weighing in at 7lb 4.5oz. 

“We are delighted to have a boy and a girl, although any healthy baby would have been wonderful for us,” said Karen, 33, who was under the care of BCRM’s Dr Alex Price. “It means the world to us. 

“Some days I think after all the years of trying that I must be dreaming – this can’t be my reality – that not only do I have one beautiful baby, but two! 

“We have our wonderful son, but I’ve never wanted him to be an only child. 

“Cameron absolutely adores her. He’s a super proud big brother and is always asking for cuddles. Whenever we meet someone, he can’t say Isabella, so it comes out as “Itsabella”. It’s sooo sweet! 

Karen says she never hesitates to tell people that her children are IVF babies and says she never forgets how lucky they are to have them. 

“Infertility never leaves you. Pregnancy announcements can still be painful, especially when someone has seemingly conceived easily. 

“It’s a battle and a journey, and while part of me believes there’s a reason we had to go through it, we’ve met so many wonderful people along the way.” 

Karen urges couples who may be struggling with fertility issues to think about IVF.  

“If you’ve exhausted all other options, then crack on and go for it,” she added. “IVF is fine. Don’t put it off or avoid it. It’s the most likely fertility treatment to work, and it did for us. 

And Karen and James’ journey may not end with baby Isabella as they have two remaining frozen embryos at BCRM. “Hopefully we will have more children,” said Karen. “I’ve always wanted four!” 

The Bristol Centre for Reproductive Medicine is involved in innovative research and has one of the best success rates with IVF and other fertility treatments in the UK. 

To register for a virtual open evening webinar or to book an initial consultation appointment, email:, call 0117 3018605 or visit:

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