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Builders gift to Whitehall Primary children

Children at Whitehall Primary School in Greenbank, Bristol had a surprise after workers from a nearby building site provided them with a new outdoor seating area and a basketball hoop.

Staff from the family-run construction firm Sweet Construct built picnic tables and provided the hoop after hearing the children of key workers needed an outdoor area where they could socially distance at break-times and while eating lunch.

Sweet Construct are working on The Chocolate Factory development near to the school, which is transforming the former derelict Elizabeth Shaw Chocolate Factory for Generator South West.

The Bristol-based firm supplied and constructed the new facilities, which have been used by key worker children during the period of lockdown, and it is hoped they will be enjoyed by even more pupils when the school is able to welcome them back again.

Sarah Croasdell, Deputy Head of Whitehall Primary School said: “It is a fantastic gesture from the builders and the new seating allows children more space for social distancing at break and lunch times. We have not been using the main playground since the lockdown and Sweet Construct heard about the limited facilities and asked if there was any way they could help.

“We have been wanting to redevelop this area with better facilities for the children for some time and this has got that plan off to a great start.”   

The Chocolate Factory will provide 140 vitally needed new homes, including 36 shared ownership homes, a public square, workspace for local businesses and a community hub, adding to the already vibrant community in Greenbank.