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Bristol business launches UK-China online training initiative

Bristol and London-based training consultancy Hewlett Rand has teamed up with a Chinese counterpart to launch an online programme for businesses navigating their way through “the new normal.”  

The initiative was launched by Richard Lowe, director of training and digital learning solutions at Hewlett Rand, who is also director of business initiatives at the Bristol and West of England China Bureau.  

Richard is working on the project with Angela Tang, Hewlett Rand’s representative in Hong Kong, and Phenix Zheng, of global professional advisory business CW CPA, who is based in Bristol’s sister city, Guangzhou. 

“At the heart of this new collaboration is the question: “how do we upskill for ‘the new normal?’” says Richard Lowe. 

“We are offering a holistic service to new and existing clients which address the emerging difficulties that people are encountering in terms of the way in which we are now working. 

“This is having an impact on the ways customers interact with us and also on mental health and wellbeing, and all of these things are addressed in our webinars.

“Whether you are based in the UK or China, or indeed anywhere else, every business is having to pivot in some way. While this has opened up new business streams for many organisations, there is a clear need among leadership teams for a process of re-strategising and clarifying their direction of travel in order that they can bounce back from Covid-19 in the most effective way possible.” 

Hewlett Rand is hosting its next China webinar next month. The event, entitled Covid-19 Bounce Back: Maximising People Performance, will be held at 9am (4pm in China) on Tuesday, 25th August and is targeted at directors and in-house HR and training professionals with local operations. Please contact  richardlowe@hrandtrainingsolutions.co.uk or phenix.zheng@cwhkcpa.com for further details. 

The Bristol and West of England China Bureau is also running its regular Pow Wow networking sessions online. The next two sessions take place at 9am/4pm on Thursday, 6th August and Thursday, 27th August. Please contact Richard@chinabureau.co.uk.