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Pioneers in women’s health communications launch menopause platform

A new online women’s magazine, Emme, which focuses on how to take better control of the menopause is being launched next month and aims to ‘break the silence’ that still surrounds the approach to and experience of menopause.

The publication is the brainchild of Tracey Bambrough and Sara Marshall-Page, the team behind IVFbabble, the go-to platform for the ‘trying to conceive’ community launched in 2016, which now attracts over 4m readers as well as an army of celebrity advocates. 

Tracey Bambrough said: “Emme is going to give women’s mid-life health issues the same exposure and attention, because it’s a subject that has been hushed up for far too long. 

“People just don’t talk about menopause, and it’s become clear that we need to turn the spotlight on the fact that women can go through the menopause or start getting peri menopausal symptoms from their mid-30s onwards and – crucially - that doesn’t have to be a recipe for misery. 

“Many women assume the menopause won’t affect them until their fifties, but a lot of us have symptoms way before that, and there is much that can be done to help, if only people understand the process, and how things affect us. 

Tracey continued: “It’s not only about the whole bunch of issues that impact on us women - it affects the men in our lives as well. Because they don’t understand what’s going on, it can even break relationships. 

“Women suffer needlessly at work too because employers often don’t understand, and although some companies are now starting to address the issue, there are still many who need to be better informed. 

“We are keen to create a community, and help people understand how a woman’s body can be best prepared for peri menopause and menopause, in a way that can make a real difference to the way an individual experiences the process.” 

Bambrough and Marshall-Page’s new project has attracted the support of leading American gynaecologist Dr Sheryl A Ross, popularly known in the USA as Dr Sherry, a well-established author and health expert who has been a fierce advocate for women’s health for over 25 years.  

Having received nearly every ‘Top Doctor’ and ‘Patient’s Choice’ award in Southern California, Dr Sherry was most recently honoured with The John Wayne Cancer Institute ‘Auxiliary Angel Award’ for her contributions in advancing the narrative of women’s health care. 

Tracey Bambrough said: “We are delighted to have Dr Sherry on our team, and thrilled that she’ll be highlighting our new magazine on American TV when she takes part in Ellen de Generes’s upcoming series ‘Lady Parts’ next month. 

“The candid conversations about sex and body positivity that series aims to offer reflects exactly the mixture of education and entertainment that we aim to have characterise Emme when it is launched.” 

The new magazine, which will be updated weekly, will feature nutritional, beauty, fitness and emotional wellbeing support, as well as discounts on women’s products and services, competitions and giveaways. There will also be a section for male readers. 

Bambrough and Marshall-Page plan an online launch party in September, for which invitations are available by contacting launch@emmemagazine.com 

Further details about Emme are available at emmemagazine.com